Social welfare policy has defined principles, rules, laws as well activities to improve the lives of the people in the community. Such as healthcare, insurance, socioeconomic status, race, civilization, relocation, gender, ethical principles, empowerment, etc.
The mismatch between Needs and Resources:
There is a huge mismatch between the needs of the people and resources. Due to the increase in population, the needs have been increased gradually but with the increase in needs, there is an indirect proportion with resources. The rate of poverty has increased due to which a number of humans not even have the basic resources that are essential for daily life. Blank Cigarette Boxes are used to give your product a new look and protect it from damage. The empowerment and employment rate have decreased due to lack of opportunities other than this the basic needs such as food shelter clothes are not enough for the large population. Due to urbanization, the agriculture field has decreased. Some basic steps should be taken to overcome this difference between needs and resources.
Racism has increased the rate of discrimination. The people have started bias behavior with the minorities in the region or area due to which their rights are totally being ignored. Due to racism, the rate of injustice has increased. The minorities are lacking their basic needs as well as they are facing unethical issues. Their lives are not safe and they are not free to perform their religious or other acts.
Unemployment is a worldwide issue that has effectively increased the rate of poverty. To overcome unemployment more and more opportunities should be given to the young generation so that they can support their families. Due to unemployment, the crime rate has increased rapidly. It is because the people are not even able to fulfill their basic needs due to which they are helpless. In other words, unemployment can change the whole mindset of a person. Empty Cigarette Boxes manufacturing plants should be started so that they can help in the employment of needy people. It will also decrease the growth rate of crime.
Healthcare Issues:
Due to the increase in population and lack of facilities the health issues have increased. There is no proper worldwide system that can handle health issues. A number of needy people have health issues that they cannot cure due to the high fee of private health centers. A number of diseases are still not in the record due to lack of healthcare issues.
Due to the increase in industrialization and inflation, there is a number of people who are lacking the basic need of shelter. We still have a number of people who not even have a proper place to shelter them due to which they become nomads. It affects their health, environment, norms, and values. This is also a wastage of money from shifting from one place to another.
The pollution due to the increase in global warming, ozone depletion, and the greenhouse effect has changed our environment totally. There are different types of pollutions such as air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution, etc. These are due to traffic and industries. Air pollution is due to smoke coming out of automobiles as well as factories. Whereas, noise pollution is due to an increase in traffic and mechanical use. Similarly, water pollution is due to industries that are dissolving different chemicals and waste in the water. Small industries such as Pre Roll Boxes, Due to which not only humans, plants and animals are also affecting. It is challenge to deal with these issues and many others. These issues need to be solved. And everyone`s contribution is required to overcome these issues.
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